The first three columns of the file specified by file_name must contain data in the standard bed format (i.e., a genomic interval represented by 0-based half-open interval with seq-id, start and end position). These columns will be renamed to 'chrom', 'start' and 'end', respectively. Any other columns present in the data will be left unmodified.

read_bed(file_name, tibble = FALSE, ...)



Path to the bed file to be read in


logical If TRUE, the genomic intervals are returned as a tidy tbl_df.


Other arguments passed to read.table


Either a data.frame or a tbl_df with at least three columns named 'chrom', 'start' and 'end'


The file is read into memory with read.table, with the argument sep set to '\t' and stringsAsFactors set to FALSE. All other arguments are left as default, but arguments can be passed from read_bed to read.table.


bed_path <- system.file("extdata", "Q_centro.bed", package="pafr") centro <- read_bed(bed_path) centro
#> chrom start end #> 1 Q_chr1 1305119 1325119 #> 2 Q_chr2 3311000 3331000 #> 3 Q_chr5 1780000 1800000 #> 4 Q_chr6 1005337 1025337 #> 5 Q_chr4 951000 971000 #> 6 Q_chr7 449000 469000 #> 7 Q_chr3 625000 645000
# Can pass arguments to read.table miss_two <- read_bed(bed_path, skip=2) miss_two
#> chrom start end #> 1 Q_chr5 1780000 1800000 #> 2 Q_chr6 1005337 1025337 #> 3 Q_chr4 951000 971000 #> 4 Q_chr7 449000 469000 #> 5 Q_chr3 625000 645000